faceless fashionista representing the everyday girl

Posts tagged ‘nails’

June Julep Box

Yes, I know it’s July but last month while binge shopping, I decided to try another Julep box, and TADAAAAAA this is what I got 🙂

So of course I went for the big bottle at first, and its a heat tamer/shine spray, and YUM it smells (LOL I almost typed tastes) like strawberries.

In the bag of goodies was this thingy…a lip plumper? Yup. Ladies this color sucks but the plumping action is great! Usually, plumper’s never work on me but this lasted almost an hour which, is eons longer then any other plumper I have tried.

Its called Ultra Violet and while it makes a pretty swatch, the color didn’t work for me, it went on very streaky and the color clumped around my mouth.

Here’s the colors. Top is Natalie, a very dupeable pink. Although it is a very nice true pink, Sally Hansen and Sinful Colors have the same pink. The bottom one is Emilie, the love child of  forest green and true green. It’s a nice shade, but looks horrible on my summer tanned hands.

My hand model this month is my sister 🙂 poor thing came to  visit, and the minute she walked into my apartment, I attacked her with beauty products and literally paid her to be my test dummy for the week 🙂 Love her!

Makeup Tips & Tricks That REALLY Work!

He ya’ll so last week I read a blog by Oh! Apostrophe (who by the way is the darlingest thing ever so do go check her out!) and she had re-blogged about this 30 day makeup challenge where you have a different task to do daily.

At first I was all psyched, like “Yeah, cool got me some new ideas! Totally gonna do this! ” (said in radical white surfer dude voice), but here I am four days later and well, lets just  say it….FAIL! 🙂

So what I decided to do instead was pick and choose the tasks that I liked best and share my idea with you all. The first one that stood out to me the one about sharing tips and tricks that I may know….so here I go:

1. Concealer brushes were made for a reason! While I do believe you can use any brush for any task you want, concealer brushes are that perfect size to cover your problem areas. So ladies put down the spatulas, and brushes the size of your head and just use the tiny brush (or ur finger) to only cover the problem area. You save product and you avoid the cake face. So conceal, dab dab dab to blend edges…done

2. Clear Mascara isn’t just for your lashes! It is also a great brow setter and a quick way to make your wispy fly-away hairs stay in place.

3. Lipstick is a multi-tasker! Lips, cheek stain, eye primer…it does it all.

4. Gloss=gorgeous lips! Just dab some gloss in the center of your bottom lip and BAM! sexy lips…OH add a small highlight to your cupids bow for extra plumpness

5. Bronzer is your friend! I was never a bronzer girl cause I always feared looking like Snooki or overdone. However, with the right color I found it can do wonders. Applied in a “3” motion on my round face and then WATCH OUT sexy face! (Plus I can now hide my double chin without dieting 🙂  OOOOO and if you dont want a powder bronzer, just buy a foundation colors a few shades darker and tada you got your self a liquid bronzer

6. Look wide-eyed with white: I think everyone already knows that if you put white liner on your lower inner lid that it will make your eyes look wider and alert. For me I find the white to be too harsh, so I  use a nude pencil which works the same way 

7. Baby Powder/Baking Soda to the rescue: If you are a grease ball or just lazy and don’t like washing  your hair, use baby powder or baking soda to suck up all the oils in  your head. Get a small amount, work it into roots, comb out, done! (more suitable for lighter hair)

8. STOP smiling when applying blush! This is as an old school trick that we have all used but need to stop. When you smile your cheeks are higher, when you stop smiling they go back down. So while you might have thought you just applied some sexy blush to your gorgeous cheeks…think again because now its down to your jowls 🙂

9. Use mascara to cover your pesky greys! Enough said.

10. Make your own tinted moisturizer! Foundation+ Moisturizer=$ saved 

11. Make your OWN exfoliator: Recipes everywhere online but basically sugar+oil/lotion= cheap natural alternative

12. No SPF for photos! I know this is controversial, but in order to avoid the ghost face in pictures, avoid makeup with titanium dioxide or SPF. Usually the setting powder is the culprit.

13. Brush your lips! For smooth kissable lips, gently exfoliate your lips with your toothbrush to buff off all the icky dead skin and apply a balm to finish off.

14. Layer you Mascara! Love the idea of water proof mascara but hate taking it off? Well first apply a regular mascara and then top it with a waterproof one. This way the water  proof formula locks onto the regular mascara and not your lashes making it easier to remove 🙂

15.Instant facelift! Go look at yourself in the mirror and smile. anywhere you see a shadow (upper and lower lip, corner of eyes) apply a small amount ofshimmer or off white color to give you a quick pick me up effect 🙂

16. Base coat and buff your nails! If you have ever worn nail polish only to find it stained your nails once you removed it, don’t worry. Simply use a buffer to remove the stain and apply a base coat next time.

17. Burn you pencil Liner! When your pencil  liner dries out or breaks and you can’t sharpen it, use a lighter to gently warm up the tip and within seconds, you got a functioning pencil.

18. Starighten Up! For extra volume when straightening hair, pull hair up and away from scalp instead of straight down for instant volume

19. Suck a finger! NOW DONT YOU ALL GET ANY WRONG IDEAS! LOL! when you wear a darker lipstick they have a tendency to get on your teeth. To avoid that after you have applied the lipstick, put you finger in your mouth like a lollipop, close mouth and pull finger out.  All the excess color will have come off on your finger 🙂

So ladies, these are just a few tips for you all to try if you  didn’t already know them, I have TONS more to share  with you all, but I would love to read about your tips and tricks so please do share in the comments or make a post of your own 🙂

Seche Vite Anyone???

If you read my post “Confessions of a Nail Polish Junkie” then you know I have a serious nail polish addiction 🙂 And  while I know this addiction is harmful both to my wallet and my poor roommate who has to smell the stench of polish almost daily, I just can’t help it.

So while rummaging through my rainbow of colors  trying  to find the color of the day, I came upon Seche Vite, the over-hyped, over priced, fast  drying top coat that some manicurists swear by. So is it worth it???? Read on 🙂

Packaging: Clear nail polish top coat looking bottle with a normal sized brush.

Price: $7-$20 USD depending on where you buy it. OUCH!



  • After applying nail polish and all the bejeweling details you want, apply one coat of this sucker and VOILA! Dry in less than twenty seconds. No joke!
  • Bottle lasts a while depending on how much of a nail polish junkie you are 🙂


  • Price is crazy
  • Smell is HORENDOUS!!! It takes a while to get used to the  lacquer smell
  • Doesn’t really help MY nail  polish last longer, and instead of chipping it does more of a peeling affect which is fun to remove like a sticker 🙂


I REAALLLLYYY like this product. I think it does exactly what it says and who doesn’t want dry nails within seconds 🙂 However because it is pricey I hesitate to recommend it to my budget conscious beauties who read this  blog and are just looking for cheap, readily accessible beauty products. BUT if you want dry nails ASAP, got some extra bucks for a great top coat, then go for it.

As for me, I think after I finish my bottle I might hold off on  buying another because I change my nail polish SOOOO much, that putting on such an expensive top coat just is not worth it to me.

TAG: Versatile Blogger Award!!

Ummm….did I miss something? How freaking long was I gone? Apparently too long because when I logged onto WordPress today..BAM theres nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award flying left and right! And while I still don’t really know what it is, I love the idea of spreading the love and sharing blogs that deserve more attention, so here we go!!!

As part of the tag, share 7 random facts and nominate 15 blogs:

7 random facts:

  1. I’m an unemployed special education teacher (haha what a depressing way to start the blog)
  2. I am 5’6
  3. I wear a…are you ready for this…size 10 in shoes!
  4. I just turned 25
  5. I love the water, but I can’t swim 😦
  6. I’m obsessed with drag queens
  7. I have 6 piercings, all on my ears.
(thank u all for the nominations, and as a sign of my gratitude, ur nominated!!! And if I didn’t mention u, i’m so sorry I wish I could write EVERYONES names but due to time constraints I wasn’t able to)
  • Pearl Essence! Love her personality, plus she’s not just all about the beauty, she has some great recipes and stories as well 🙂
  • http://pearlessence.wordpress.com

Now it’s your turn!!!! Don’t hesitate!

  1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging (or whose blogs you enjoy most).
  2. Let them know that you have nominated them.
  3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
  4. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
  5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.

BAM Bitches! Spring is here! (Current polish obsession)

Excuse the profanity in the title, but for the first time in my life I’m purposely following a “fashion trend,” therefore I felt it necessary to go over the top.

So if you follow fashion blogs or read magazines, then you have probably read all of them tootin’ and hollerin’ about how pastels are in for the spring. The thing that gets me though is that, aren’t pastels ALWAYS the “thing” for spring. Whatever.

Anywhosizzles, back to my post. So this week I’m feeling very spring-y so I wanted to wear a fun color that reflected that. Hence my lavenderish nails 🙂

I love purple so of course it would only  be fitting that my first post about  nail polish be purple.

Color: The color that I am wearing is called “Fun in the Sun” by L.A Colors. It’s a gorgeous pastel purple with a semi-matte finish.

Lasting Power: Okay here is the bummer. I put this nail polish on and it chipped within a day. While this could be because I didn’t wear a top coat or base coat, I have found LA Colors to be a very cheap company. BUT, I am okay with that because I hate wearing the same nail polish for more than a week….don’t ask me why…it’s just a “thing” that I have.

Higher End: If you are a nail polish snob and refuse to wear anything worth $1.50 from the drugstore, O.P.I has a great dupe called “A Grape Fit.”

Overall: Obsessesed with this color, can’t get enough of it! By the way, fellow bloggers and readers, this is probably the simplest you will ever see my nails. As I stated in my confessions blog, I love the bling, but being weary of scaring off my readers, I toned it down for you, but as you can see, I couldn’t resist a little accent glitter  🙂

Confessions of a Nail Polish Junkie

Sigh. I’ve hit an all time low. I went to Walgreen’s to get a replacement foundation, and ended up with 5 new nail polishes! You might be saying what’s the big deal, its only 5, well if you knew I already had 92 (not including the 15 I gave my sister) you might have a different answer.

So this obsession started with a navy blue polish from N.Y.C for $0.99. I thought I was the shiz nitz rocking blue nails! Shoot I flashed my hands whenever I could. Eventually, I got tired of the blues and thought, hmmm let me try this color then that color and oh that looks nice then…..argghh shake my head in shame.

But ladies it doesn’t just stop there. GLITTER! GLITTER is my downfall. If it sparkles and I can paint it on my nails, then trust when I say I got it. Shoot, my  glitter obsession got so bad last summer that I binged on eBay and bought a 24 pack of glitter dust from China just so I can just dunk my nails in them.

Yup…I’m obsessed.

This week I will be sharing with you guys some of my favorite brands, colors and designs 🙂 I hope you all enjoy.

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